Liam and his friend Kaleb. He's only 3 weeks older than Liam.
Liam got a cold right after Easter for the week. Poor little guy.
Liam LOVES his toy train from Grandpa and Grandma Weglo. I've memorized the songs that it plays cause it goes all day long :)
Photo shoot on a lazy Sunday afternoon

Liam's moving around so much and finding whatever looks interesting to get into.

Love his crazy hair :)
Josh also finished his fourth year of school today and is now a licensed mechanic. He did so well throughout the whole program and is happy to finally be done!
Josh and all his excitement :)
This coming Tuesday, Sarah and I are heading to Vernon for Shelley's wedding on May 2nd! It's only 1 week away...Can't wait! I'm sure I'll be posting lots of pictures soon :)