Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Here is a funny video of Liam that I've been meaning to post for a while. It was back in September while my mom was up for a visit. We were eating supper and Liam started throwing his vegetables at Emmett and thought it was so funny. Sorry, it's a little long.

It's kinda dark, but you might notice he has a black eye. It was when he was just getting used to walking, and fell right into the corner of the coffee table at daycare. Not too fun.

Monday, November 30, 2009

What, it's already December?!?!

How is it already December tomorrow? I'm very excited about the fact that it's almost Christmas, and we leave in 2 weeks for our Weglo family cruise, but where did November go? Oh yeah, and for those who didn't know...we are going on a Caribbean cruise!! Whoop Whoop!

So in 2 weeks we'll be soaking up the sun here:

And hopefully doing some of this :)

Oh, I can't wait!

I apologize again for the lack of blogging, things have been pretty busy around here. You think that would give me more stuff to blog about, but no.

So here are some pictures of Liam to keep the family happy cause that's all I got for now :)

He's getting so big...and already needs another hair cut :)

So happy and content. And then 2 seconds later...

haha...don't worry, it didn't last long. It probably didn't help that I was taking pictures either :)

While eating supper tonight, Liam showed us what he's learned

Must have been something he picked up from daycare ;)

What a goof :)

Monday, November 02, 2009


Wow, I hadn't realized it had been over a month since our last post. Well here is a fun little post to hopefully make up for the lack of blogging.
Our Halloween day this year was a pretty full day. We had 2 different functions to attend and one party to host. We dressed Liam up as Elmo and he was super cute!

I loved having Liam still young so I could eat all his candy :)

Our first event for the day was at Liam's daycare. Tina had decorated her whole house for halloween and had a fun little party for all the kids. She had mini pumpkin coloring, cookie making, apple bobbing, costume wearing, haunted house fun! Liam was still pretty young to enjoy most of the games, but he still had lots of fun watching and laughing at all the older kids.

Liam making his halloween cookies with Tina

After that, we headed to our church for their candy carnival. There were lots of kids, and lots of little games to play. Liam had a little pumpkin candy bag (thanks auntie Shelley) to fill with candy. When he realized he had candy in it, he started to take it out and hand it out to everyone. It was pretty funny.

"Hey Guys, who wants Smarties??"

Then we headed home to get ready for our own party with our College and Career group. We had a Star Wars themed night, where everyone had to dress up as a star wars character and then we watched the 3 older movies. We soon realized that we might not be such "young" adults anymore. By 10:00 most of our group were either falling asleep or ready to leave. Our youth pastor Morgan and his wife Joelle were the only ones that made it through all 3 movies which ended up 2 AM. Josh and I were there too, but I think we both fell asleep for most of the 3rd movie :) Thank goodness for the time change :)

Joelle (Qui-Gon Jin), Alicia (C3P0), Me (Princess Leia), and Tracy was just dressed for Halloween.

Qui-Gon Jin (Joelle) and Darth Vader (Morgan) battling it out. The force was strong with these two :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

The night before Liam was born, we went to an old train bridge near Cold Lake with John and Tammy. I was about to pop and I remember every step felt like a watermelon pushing on my bladder, but it was still such a beautiful site :)

Here we are in anticipation for the baby to come, and me 50 lbs heavier :)

I thought it'd be a fun tradition every year on that same day, Sept 14, to get pictures of our family on the same bridge.

It was so weird to walk these same steps that we had walked only a year earlier but now with a beautiful baby boy.

It was definitely a special memory!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We like to Party...

For Liam's birthday this year, he had 3 parties. One that I organized in Bonnyville, one on his actual birthday at daycare, and then one in Vernon. His birthday was right before we left for Vernon for Josh's cousin's wedding so it worked out perfect. I'm assuming/hoping that this will be the only year where he has 3 different parties :)

His first party was in Bonnyville at Grandma and Grandpa Phillips' which turned into a pool party because the weather was so hot!

The Birthday Boy

Some of the party guests:

Opening Presents:

Isaac loved helping Liam with his presents

The Cake:
My friend Lillian made it. She did such a great job!

"Hey, this is pretty good!"

"But I think I'd rather throw it..."

Isaac wanted to get in on the throwing fun too.

I love this one with his Aunty Sarah

On Liam's actual birthday, I went to visit him at Daycare on my lunch break but of course forgot the camera. All the kids each brought him a gift and he got very spoiled. One cute gift was from one of the young girls who got him a box of kleenex since she knew how much he loved to take them out of the box. She said it was his own box and he was allowed to take out as many kleenex as he wanted. Too cute.

Then this past weekend he had his 3rd party in Vernon at Grandma and Grandpa Weglo's house.

Helping daddy put his garage together that he got from Grandpa and Grandma Weglo.

I think Josh had more fun with it then Liam :)

And now we're all partied out! Until tomorrow, and then it's my birthday. Whoop Whoop! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

For Liam

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

We can’t believe you are 1! I remember this night a year ago so clearly, driving that quick trip to the hospital. You came so fast and we were so excited to finally meet you! When they placed you in my arms, the love that came over me was so overwhelming. I didn’t know that I could love someone this much. I barely slept your first few nights at home as I kept listening to make sure you were still breathing.
Liam, I hope you will someday know how much joy you have brought into my life. You are such a blessing, and I thank God daily for you.
Happy Birthday, sweetheart.

Love, Mommy

Monday, August 17, 2009

Liam's 1st Haircut

Liam's hair has always been so thick and was getting pretty long so we decided it was time for his first haircut. This morning I still had a baby....

But now I have a big boy.