How is it already December tomorrow? I'm very excited about the fact that it's almost Christmas, and we leave in 2 weeks for our Weglo family cruise, but where did November go? Oh yeah, and for those who didn't know...we are going on a Caribbean cruise!! Whoop Whoop!
So in 2 weeks we'll be soaking up the sun here:

And hopefully doing some of this :)

Oh, I can't wait!
I apologize again for the lack of blogging, things have been pretty busy around here. You think that would give me more stuff to blog about, but no.
So here are some pictures of Liam to keep the family happy cause that's all I got for now :)

He's getting so big...and already needs another hair cut :)

So happy and content. And then 2 seconds later...

haha...don't worry, it didn't last long. It probably didn't help that I was taking pictures either :)

While eating supper tonight, Liam showed us what he's learned

Must have been something he picked up from daycare ;)

What a goof :)
super cute!! can't wait for that cruise....need to get my pedicure =)
thanks for the cute pics of Liam. I can't believe how big he is getting! Love his two front teeth, so adorable! Have fun on your cruise!
Enjoy your cruise! What a great time to go, just when it's cold. I hope you all have a great time together. Already Liam looks older than his last photos, soon he'll be taller than me heheh.
nice to see some more pics of Liam and OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERYONE AND GO ON THE CRUISE, OMG.
haha...Sarah K. you're too funny. He's getting really good at kicking his soccer ball too so hopefully we have a little soccer player on our hands :)
Okay, when I'm home in Jan I'm coming over to your house every day to see Liam. And you guys too. Haha.
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