Easter was spent in Bonnyville this year and it was great to have Rachel and Jared home for the weekend. They had both brought their roommates, and Sarah and Brad came up for the day on Sunday. It was definitely a full house at John and Tam's.
We had a couple days of beautiful sunshine and Liam loved being outside. He never wanted to come in.
Riding Grandpa Phillips' mower
Drawing chalk pictures on the cement
"Hey Emmett, come get the Frizbee"
Grandpa P. stuck Liam in the wheelbarrow and he loved it!
Chasing Uncle Jared around.
Brad, Sarah, and Isaac came up for the day on Sunday. The boys were thrilled to play hockey and soccer together.
Issac playing with the airplane. It was going to Africa to visit Uncle Jackson and Auntie Shelley :)
The Easter Meal :)
haha...I love this picture of Liam. One of his favorite things to do at Grandpa and Grandma Phillips is play on the Wii.
And to end off here's a funny picture of Liam. On Saturday morning we got up to find him filling up Emmett's dog food. I guess he thinks we don't feed him enough :)
We hope you all had a great Easter weekend.