And we're back. Ok, I guess we've been back for 2 weeks already. My apologies again for slacking on this blog.
Liam and I headed to Vernon a couple weeks ago to soak up some much needed sun and have some good visits with family and friends. Josh wasn't able to come this time cause of work but hopefully next summer!
So Liam and I headed out on our adventure Friday after work and spent the night in a hotel in Red Deer. It was nice to break up the driving, especially since there was SO MUCH construction. Liam did great for the drive, even though it took us an extra 2 hours. I finally caved and turned on the DVD player (which I vowed I would never do as a parent) but all the stopping and going just wouldn't end. We were very happy when we finally pulled into my parents driveway!
We had a very full week and I took lots of pictures so I tried to sum it up as best I could. Here it goes:
On Sunday, we headed back to my parents after church and spent the afternoon in the yard... soaking up some sun, playing soccer with Grandpa, and running through the sprinkler. It was wonderful!
It didn't take long for Liam to lose the clothes :)

The water was a little colder then he was expecting :)

Liam has learned how to drop kick a ball and connects really well a lot of the time.
My future soccer player.

We had the chance to go to the Peanut Pool a couple times during the week. The first visit was in the evening and we were the only ones at the pool! Liam loved it!

Our 2nd trip to the peanut pool was a little more busy. Liam brought his blow up car and he was a big hit with all the other kids.

He even managed to pick up a girl who followed him around the pool. It was pretty cute.

We also made a trip to the water park in Polson Park. It was so fun to bring Liam to all these summer things that I used to do as a kid.

Of course we made a couple trips up to Davison Orchards. Can you tell is was HOT?

On Tuesday, we headed to Kelowna for the day to visit Great Grandma Wolfe and do some shopping.

We also had a chance to see the Vernon Phillips clan. Gerry and Terri had everyone over for supper and it was such a fun visit. Liam loved Uncle Gerry, and just hung out with him all night.

Liam going around tickling everyone. I think before we left he made sure to give everyone hugs... at least 4 times each :)

Liam loved to read books with Grandma & Grandpa Weglo

One of the highlights of my trip, was finally getting to meet Tyson, Leah and Ryan's baby. Leah and I made a trip to a little beach on Okanagan Lake for a little play date.
Tyson just chillin' on the blanket. Such a cutie!!

Friday the 13th was my mom's birthday. I was so happy that Liam and I could be there to celebrate with her.
Liam's gift to Grandma:
"Grandma's house is full of love"

Liam excited to eat some cake. So excited he couldn't wait long enough to cut a piece :)
"Happy Eirthday Grandma"

Our drive back to Alberta went much smoother! My mom was able to come back with me and we decided to go through Jasper instead. I'm so glad we did! Hardly any traffic and no construction. Yay!

Taking a break at Mount Robson for some ice cream

We stayed overnight at a great Hotel in Hinton called Nova Lodge. Such a beautiful hotel and such great prices! Liam was excited to go swimming after the long drive.
Only a few hours from home, I gave Liam a little piece of kit-kat and I turn around a minute later to see this. :) the look on his face.
Wow, what a post. Well you there you have it. Our wonderful trip to BC. Now we're back in Alberta where my tan is quickly fading and I've already had to turn up the heat in my house a couple times. Oh, how I miss BC!