I had moved into the city and was staying with our friends Leah and Ryan (note: Grace's middle name is named after Leah) because Liam’s labour had been so quick and they didn’t want me to deliver in Bonnyville. Well it was a good thing I was in the city because this labor was quick! My contractions started around 1:50 in the morning and were already 1 minute a part. I had no slow start into labour. It just hit, and hit hard. I woke up Leah saying that we should probably head in because they lived a good drive from the hospital, and called Josh who was in Bonnyville, 3 HOURS AWAY!, telling him to get his butt in the car and drive. Leah and I hopped in the truck, and drove to the hospital running through most red lights and counting and breathing through the contractions. They were already unbearable even though they had just started. I am so thankful Leah was there for me in this whole experience. She was amazing. I would definitely say our relationship has deepened from this experience…she has definitely seen me at my worst :)
When we got to the hospital we were a little discouraged by the staff at first cause they didn’t seem to have any records of my pre-natal appointments and it was frustrating having to tell them things that we assumed they would already know. Not an easy thing to be explaining the last 3 months of your pregnancy while you can barely breathe. Again, Leah was so great and made sure what I had told her in the past weeks was being asked or done. When they realized how quickly my contractions were coming they put me in a room and measured me but I was only 4 cm. I was so upset because I was in so much pain and was hoping to be closer. They measured me probably around 2:40 but by 3:00 I felt like I had to push. So they measured me again and realized I was already fully dilated! They had stuck me a few times to get an IV in my hand but had no time to give me anything because I was ready to push. My water hadn’t broken yet, and the doctor didn’t want to break it himself as they had found out from our many ultrasounds that I had a higher level of amniotic fluid. So on my 2nd push, my water broke and it flew halfway across the room. It was actually quite funny and the doctor was walking by just as it happened and had to dodge out of the way. I then pushed for 17 minutes and Grace was born at 3:18am. She came out crying which is always the best sound in the world. She weighed 7lbs 6 oz which includes the tumor so her weight will drop after the surgery. I got to hold her for a couple minutes before they brought her to the NICU. I called Josh who was shocked to hear that his little girl had been born so quickly. I of course hoped that Josh could have made it for the delivery, but was so happy that Leah was there. God knew what I needed in that time, and I was very fortunate to have such a great friend helping me get through the pain.
They brought me to my room on level 2 and told me I could go visit Grace (on level 4) whenever I felt stable enough. I rested for a couple hours and waited for Josh to arrive. We went to visit her around 8 o’clock that morning and she was in a little incubator with tubes and wires all over. They had her on C pap to help her breathing so you could hardly see her face. It was very hard to see her like this. We found out the doctors come around 9 to do their rounds and we wanted to make sure we were around for that. They let me hold her after the rounds and they took off her C pap and it was great to finally see her face. She looks so much like Liam but also a lot like my baby pictures. I got to also breastfeed her and she feeds so well! She was supposed to be transferred to the Stollery right after she was born but they had to wait for a bed to open up for her. It was actually such a blessing having her at the Royal Alexandra for the extra night since I was also there recovering. They could page me down in my room at any time and I could go up and feed her or see her. My sister Sarah was able to come and help out and she stayed overnight for my first night. It was such a blessing having her there to bring me up in the middle of the night since I couldn't walk too well. Grace was then transferred to the Stollery on Friday around noon and it’s a lot harder not having her as close.
The last three days have felt like 3 weeks. They have been very exhausting as they are always up in the air for new things we learn or places we need to be. Sometimes I feel like I need to be in 3 places at once while trying to also be with Grace as much as possible. It’s very hard to have any sort of schedule as we never know what each day brings. It's also been very hard being away from Liam so much. We try to see him as much as we can but he's hard to have at the hospital so he's been hanging out with Leah & Ryan. Again, another thing that these two amazing people have been helping with. Liam has a great time with Leah, Ryan, and Tyson but I know that he is definitely ready to be home. We are all ready to be home.
Grace has been doing amazing. From the first time we saw her in the NICU with wires and tubes everywhere to this morning where they got to take everything out or off of her. It has been amazing holding her without worrying about any of the wires. Her MRI is booked for tomorrow. They don't know the exact time as they could call her down early if they have a random opening so I will be at the hospital all day waiting to go down with her. I am definitely nervous as she will have to be on anesthesia so she doesn't move at all during the MRI. Please pray that the MRI goes well and they are able to get good images for the surgery which is booked for October 3rd. They are hoping the tumor isn't growing above her pelvic area. If it is, they will have to make an incision on her bum as well as her tummy area and remove the tumor from both ends. If the tumor isn't growing that far, they can remove everything just from one incision on her bum. This is what we're hoping for as the surgery won't be as complicated.
Wow, didn't realize this post would be so long. But I guess there is a lot to update. I had been hoping to update this more often but am so exhausted by the end of the day when we get back from the hospital, I just want my bed. Again, we want to thank you all for your prayers and support. Grace has been doing so well and we know it's the power of all your prayers. Thank you!
To end off here are a few pictures of our sweet little Grace: