Here is the outline of the baby's face and belly.

Here is the updated belly picture. People keep telling me that I'm pretty small, but I'm beginning to realize that it's not such a bad thing. As long as the baby is the size it needs to be (which he/she is) then I'm happy. At least I'm bigger then Josh now :)

We also have some sad news...Dr. Pepper, our goldfish that we've had for a year and a half has passed away. We're actually surprised that we had him that long so we're pretty proud of ourselves for keeping a goldfish alive for more then a day. Now we'll have to move up the scale and get something a little more tricky...any suggestions?
Are you gonna not let them tell you if it's a boy or a girl? (I think I asked you that already.)
No, we want to be surprised! Josh and I both think it's a girl so I guess we'll see :)
Aww!! Loving the updated pics!! I'm so glad that you posted some. Speaking of fish. you should try the ones that joelle and morgan have... they are pretty tricky i think and they have babies!!
Congrats! Cute belly
Okay. And you should get a pug. Oh gosh Laura, I saw the ugliest pugs today, and all they did was growl at people going by. Please don't.
love the new exciting! Can't wait to feel it kick!! So super excited for May Long. As far as Mr. Pepper...RIP.
you should get a boxer so emmet could have a friend.oh you should have your baby on the twentieth, then it could be born on my birthday!
how about silverfish to replace the goldfish?
i wud get a small guppy and call it" forrest gupp "
see you soon ( belly and all ) on the may long weekend.
love dad
I can tell it's going to be a beautiful baby already:) Sorry about your fish, maybe a...hedgehog?
sorry again about dr pepper.... don't get anything other than a fish..... i think it's too soon to baby day to try a puppy.... you'll go crazy trying to train a new puppy and have a baby at the same time!!! i kind of think girl too.... but it'd sure be fun for issacc to have a little boy cousin to get into trouble with... so consider that as a factor... haha, you have so much control over the sex! have you guys picked out any names and are you sharing??
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