26 Weeks

The fun and not so fun changes that pregnancy brings:
- Having an excuse to eat more and not feel guilty :)
- Heartburn
- Feeling the baby kick and move more everyday...such an amazing feeling!
- Getting to wear new maternity clothes
- A hairy belly...yuck!!
- Cravings: Milk, and Subway :)
- Getting amazing deals on baby clothes and toys at garage sales. The best one yet: A baby swing for 5 dollars (regularly $160). They were selling it cause the motor for the swing wasn't working properly...but everything else was perfect. Josh fixed the little motor and now it works great!
Love the belly pictures...looking great as always=) Can't believe you're already 26 weeks...going by way too fast. 3 more months!!!
You're so cute!!!
Beautiful, as per usual! Can't wait to see you! Love Auntie Terri
have you stopped with the pictures of Josh's belly?? =) No comparison anymore??
twins ?
love dad
where are the photos of josh's belly?? or have you finally beat him? my belly got really hairy too... but it didn't with kyle... so maybe you're having a boy? is that a boy thing? did sarah's belly get hairy?? i remember wanting to shave it everytime i showered... how silly would that look? anyways, i think all pregnant women crave subway... something about the bread... so it sounds like you're right on track!
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