While we were in Vernon, Shelley had been cleaning out my parents house and found this lovely piece of clothing. This is a maternity dress my mom wore with either Sarah or I, and of course I had to try it on.

What do you think? Should we bring it back in style?? :)
Unreal! That's awesome. I can't believe that was still kickin' around in the house and yet I can believe it. I'm glad she kept it though because to see you wear it is hilarious. And you know, it doesn't look that bad on you to be honest. You could totally work it Laura. That's so awesome. I'm so glad you found that, put it on and took a picture. It's pretty crazy to think mom wore that when she was pregnant with you or sarah.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! unbelieveable!!! You should of done the hair and the makeup and everything to go with the outfit. you do look good in it though! I can totally see mom wearing it too! Too funny!!!!Glad she kept that. I know what she's thinkin'..."see you guys say i have too much junk, and make me throw things away..." well, sometimes she's right i guess, this was a cool thing to hold onto. Wear in the world did she find it??
Well, if you hem it up about a foot and wear it over jeans, might look pretty awesome! Not that it doesn't already!
I think I had a blue one just like it! Love Auntie Terri
On you everything looks great!
You guys are so funny - I'm sure I've seen pictures of your Mom in that dress! - or maybe it was Jason goofing around ; )
Evan is in Guatemala but the rest of us are heading to Vernon on Sunday for a few days!!!! yeah!!!!
You look sweet pregnant - looking forward to hearing the good news in Sept.
Love, Karen
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