Wow, I can't believe he is here! It has been incredible. I thought I'd quickly let you know the story of our little Liam, while he is happily sleeping in his daddy's arms.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The story of William Enoch Phillips...
Wow, I can't believe he is here! It has been incredible. I thought I'd quickly let you know the story of our little Liam, while he is happily sleeping in his daddy's arms.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It's a BOY!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Due Date
Today my friend Megan came over to keep me company and to keep my mind busy. We did some scrapbooking, had a lunch was so wonderful. Tomorrow I have my weekly doctor's appointment so we'll see if he get's this baby moving...I'll keep you updated :)
Friday, September 05, 2008
No baby here's another update
There is obviously no baby to report as of yet, otherwise that's what this post would be about. Instead, I'll let you know what we've been up lately. A couple weeks ago, we made a trip down to Cochrane for our good friends Simon's wedding. He was one of Josh's groomsmen and it was so nice to be able to share with Simon and Kathy on their special day. It was also great to see and catch up with friends we hadn't seen in a while.

Josh's sister Rachel had just moved to Cochrane for her first year of Seminary so we also got to visit with her and see where she is living. On Sunday, the 3 of us took a trip up to Canmore to walk around and be touristy. It was definitely a highlight of our weekend.
Then last weekend we attended Tim and Jesseca's wedding. Thankfully we didn't have to make an emergency trip to the hospital (even though Jesseca was hoping we would). The wedding was at her parent's house on the beach and it was so beautiful. And of course, Jesseca looked gorgeous!
Greg and Meg
Lillian and Shaun
Sam and Rae Ann
The following day, we had some special visitors...Shelley and Jackson! It was so great to finally meet Jackson! Rachel had a chance to take some pictures for them and they turned out so surprise there :) I stole this one from Rachel's blog.

Jackson got to try out his golfing skills on the Wii
Everyone enjoying a relaxful morning. As you can see, Jackson wasn't used to the colder Alberta weather:)
Isaac getting to know his cousin.
It was definitely a wonderful visit!
Well that's the update for now. I'm sure one of our next posts will be to introduce our baby to you. Only 4 more days till the due date... not that I would mind if this little guy or girl wanted to make it's appearance before then... :)