Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Due Date

Today is the due date....weird! I'm not sure I'll ever get to the point of my pregnancy when I just want this baby out of me. I have loved being pregnant. I am definitely getting more and more excited to meet this little guy or girl and I do hope it comes sooner than later, but I'm still ok with being pregnant. I have started to get more braxton hicks, but nothing very regular or too strong.
Today my friend Megan came over to keep me company and to keep my mind busy. We did some scrapbooking, had a lunch was so wonderful. Tomorrow I have my weekly doctor's appointment so we'll see if he get's this baby moving...I'll keep you updated :)

40 WEEKS!!


Anonymous said...

they say women look more beautiful when they are pregnant....u certainly do!
waiting for he call.
love dad

Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

awww...nice comment dad! You do look beautiful Laura, with that little basketball in you. How are they going to get that out??? Just kidin' =) You are going to be a GREAT mother, and I can't wait to experience being mom's together! How did the apt go??

Rachel said...

We prayed for you in Theology class today :)

Anonymous said...

laura, i think you're just as beautiful when you're not pregnant. (in response to your dad's comment) but seriously, too....

anyways, i'm still pretty sure it's a boy, although i was saying to sarah, you're carrying high... which is a girl thing (i think, anyways), but you're a big basketball instead of big everywhere (bb=boy, everywhere=girl)...
thanks for the comment, too...nice to know people haven't fully given up on me!