Here are a few pictures from this last weekend in Edmonton. We drove down on Saturday to meet up with my sisters and mom. We shopped the weekend away. Christmas shopping, wedding dress shopping...lots of fun! The mall was PACKED full of people and having two babies makes things a little more hectic, but it was still a great weekend. Hopefully we can make it an annual event!
Hanging out in the hotel

Liam's first time swimming
We tried to go swimming every really made the boys sleepy :)

Another way to tire Isaac out... we let him crawl all the way to our room from the elevator. :)

Isaac gets bigger everytime I see him!

Liam's photoshoot with Daddy

He's getting a lot more interactive with us and is always full of smiles.

Great sure was a great weekend...i vote for an annual event too!! Liam is such a cute...loves those smiles!!
i know it's the phillips blog but i nearly wet my pants when i saw the pic of isaac and the caption.
great stuff with liam and josh - he is certainly getting more facial expressions ( liam that is - not josh ).
love grandpa weglo
i meant the pic crawling back from the elevator by the way
Liam looks so serious in that last one- great photos! That's great you could all get together.
I love the pictures! Those two boys are getting so big so fast!! I'm excited for Christmas!
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