Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend in Grand Prairie

I returned from my trip to BC, unpacked, did some laundry, and repacked for our trip up to Grand Prairie for a wedding. My college roommate was getting married...so exciting! We stayed with Uncle Jared (thanks Jared!) and had a great time reconnecting with friends we hadn't seen in a while. Liam was a big hit at the wedding and got passed around as we danced the night away. It was a wonderful wedding!
Laura Davison, my good friend from Vernon who was also at the wedding, was able to come back to Bonnyville to see our place and hang out for the day. We then drove to Lloyd for the next night to visit Brad and Sarah, and then to Edmonton today to drop Laura off to fly home. The past few weeks of travelling have been so wonderful, but I think I'm ready to be home for a while and have life back to normal :)

John and Alaina cutting the cake

First Dance

Alaina doing the Limbo...she was Amazing!

Visiting with friends

The Beautiful Bride


My beautiful friend Tracy

Dancing the night away!

Tracy was actually able to get Josh on the dance floor. :)

My crazy friends!

Liam was pretty tired at the end of the night

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another wonderful trip to BC

I've just returned from another visit to BC. I was able to catch a ride back with my parents who had come to Lloyd to watch Isaac for their spring break. It was so nice to be able to have my parents and grandma here for a week and then be able to head to Vernon for another week. I was also able to make a trip down to Vancouver while in BC, to see my grandma and family. It was definitely a great trip! I took quite a few pictures...enjoy :)


Chillin' with Great Grandma Wolfe

Liam's first time eating solids.

Cuddles with Grandma


Visiting with Laura D.

Playing "Peek a Boo" With Auntie Shelley

Trip to Vancouver:

Liam did so well for all the driving. He is such a good traveller

Meeting Auntie Katherine and Great Grandma Weglo for the first time.

Uncle Jim was very good with Liam and put him right to sleep :)

Uncle Jim, Auntie Leslie and Heather

Liam loved the full length mirrors at Great Grandma's.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Isaac reveals his True Colors...

Isaac has been staying at our house for the last couple days with my parents and grandma. Today he walked into Liam's room and saw the Oiler's jersey and made me put it on him. Sorry Brad, but Isaac has seen the light.