For Liam's birthday this year, he had 3 parties. One that I organized in Bonnyville, one on his actual birthday at daycare, and then one in Vernon. His birthday was right before we left for Vernon for Josh's cousin's wedding so it worked out perfect. I'm assuming/hoping that this will be the only year where he has 3 different parties :)
His first party was in Bonnyville at Grandma and Grandpa Phillips' which turned into a pool party because the weather was so hot!
The Birthday Boy

Some of the party guests:

Opening Presents:
Isaac loved helping Liam with his presents
The Cake:
My friend Lillian made it. She did such a great job!
"Hey, this is pretty good!"
"But I think I'd rather throw it..."

Isaac wanted to get in on the throwing fun too.
I love this one with his Aunty Sarah

On Liam's actual birthday, I went to visit him at Daycare on my lunch break but of course forgot the camera. All the kids each brought him a gift and he got very spoiled. One cute gift was from one of the young girls who got him a box of kleenex since she knew how much he loved to take them out of the box. She said it was his own box and he was allowed to take out as many kleenex as he wanted. Too cute.
Then this past weekend he had his 3rd party in Vernon at Grandma and Grandpa Weglo's house.

Helping daddy put his garage together that he got from Grandpa and Grandma Weglo.

I think Josh had more fun with it then Liam :)
And now we're all partied out! Until tomorrow, and then it's my birthday. Whoop Whoop! :)