Monday, May 28, 2007


We're back from a crazy weekend spent in Edmonton at YC! This was our first year ever going and we loved it! When the conference started on Friday night, I was overwhelmed with emotions as I sat in a stadium filled with 17 thousand people who were there to praise, or learn more about God. Living in our world that is so consumed with sin, it was great to have a weekend that was focused only on God. It was so encouraging to be able to know that there ARE people out there who don't want to conform to the world but want to be set apart for Christ. What an amazing experience it was to worship God with all these fellow believers!

We took about 30 youth from our church. During the day, we tagged along with them to all the different concerts and sessions. I was so glad to be with a group of younger girls who didn't like the heavy loud music :)

I thought this was too funny not to post. You can tell this was a tiring weekend. This is Chris from our youth, who fell asleep during the Tobymac concert. If you don't know who Tobymac is, he was probably one of the loudest concerts there :)

Some fun pictures

My good looking hubby enjoying the concert, even though he doesn't look happy, he is actually enjoying himself :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

No more mustache

Here's another quick post to display more pictures of John without his mustache. The last pictures weren't so good, and his family and friends need to see the huge transformation...well maybe not that huge. So here are some before and after pictures.


Rachel, I stole these from your blog...Thanks :)


Pretty different eh?
Onto other news I'm so happy to say that my beautiful sister and her husband are having a baby. I'm pretty sure everyone that reads this blog, also reads hers but I'm just so excited to be an auntie. So Congrats again Brad and Sarah! We are so happy for you, and can't wait to see and hear all the exciting things that are in store for you!
I hope you all have a great LONG weekend.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Clue Game

For youth on Friday, Josh and I planned a real life clue game. Our leaders dressed up as the characters and hid around the church. They each had clue cards and the youth had to run around and ask them which cards they had, to limit it down to the last three choices. Here's some pictures of the fun that we had...

All the Characters dressed up

Professor Plum

Miss Scarlet

Mrs. Peacock

We added a little twist to the game, having an FBI agent running around catching the kids and putting them in jail. Does anyone from the Phillips family recognize him?

This is Josh's dad, who was our FBI agent. This picture may be a surprise to some of our blog viewers because after 25 years of having a mustache, John came back from his trip to Europe with no mustache! Josh didn't even recognize him when he picked him up from the airport.

He played the FBI part perfectly. Here he is catching some youth in the Library. He even had a real radio and was calling in for back-up. He played the part so well some people actually believed he was a police man in real life :)

Monday, May 07, 2007

We headed to Boston Pizza last night for our Anniversary Supper. We had our classic barbecue chicken pizza with a bandera bread as an appetizer. Yummy! Then Josh and I both decided we were hungry enough for dessert. Big mistake! Josh got the biggest dessert, the Rolo ice cream cake, and I decided on my favorite, the brownie a la mode. After about 2 bites we realized our eyes had been bigger then our stomachs!
But Josh was determined to finish it....So here's the pictures I took while enjoying the agony he had with every bite :)
To start off, it wasn't so bad.
Josh is starting to second guess this dessert idea.

Laughing at Josh, trying to finish his dessert :)

I couldn't believe it! He actually finished it!

This is how we felt afterwards.

The moral of the Story is: ummm...don't eat dessert after having a whole pizza and appetizer, even if you think you're hungry.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

1 Year Ago Today....

I was walking down the aisle to be united with the love of my life. I can't believe the year has gone by already! Josh, you are an amazing man of God, and an unbelievable blessing in my life! It's been an incredible year, and I look forward to so many more! Happy Anniversary Josh, I love you.