Tuesday, August 07, 2007

For Jason and Darcie

Emmett has been our dog for a couple months and it's been so much fun! Here are some pictures and stories to show his funny personality.

When we first got Emmett, we brought him home from Vernon to find that we also had a momma cat with her kittens living under our shed. Emmett didn't have a very friendly greeting from the momma cat one day, and was freaked out of our shed for the next few weeks. Here is Josh trying to get the kitties to come close, but Emmett wouldn't go any further.

We have also found that Emmett loves to chew things when he is left alone for the day. Thankfully we haven't had anything too important that's been wrecked, well Josh might disagree. The other day we opened up the garage to find Josh's childhood cabbage patch kid, Sammy, was torn to pieces. I was actually quite happy with Emmett because no joke, this doll freaked me out. It looked like a doll in a horror movie. I guess Emmett agreed :)
Here's Josh when he was little and if you look behind him you'll see Sammy, the one with the scary eyes... :)

No more Sammy.....muhahahahah. (my evil laugh)

We were out with our College and Career Group at Josh's grandparents cabin last week. We brought Emmett out to run around and Josh found this frog. We let Emmett play with him for a while and then Rachel got this picture. I'm pretty sure Emmett was more scared of the frog then the frog was of him. No surprise there, Emmett is definitely a wimp :)

Overall, Emmett has been a lot of fun and brings many laughs to our house. Thanks Jason and Darcie for letting us have him while your away in Toronto. We miss you guys and hope the move went well!!


Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

I lauged so hard at this post. I love the picture of emmett by the torn up doll...so funny. Rachel is great photographer with that frog and emmett. I love it. Can't wait to see him this weekend.

Anonymous said...

i'm amazed at how well emmett sits for pictures.... our dog was always running around! and also, the cabage patch doll was a fake! i doubt emmett attacked because it looked like something out of a chuckie movie, but perhaps he was trying to tell josh "time to get an authentic cabbage patch doll"...

Lois said...

Laura, you made me giggle when I read this post! To be honest (don't tell Josh) but Sammy kind of freaked me out all those years ago. LOL

It was so special to share Josh's baptism on Sunday. It meant a lot to me to be there.

Anonymous said...

hey it's shelley....okay I laughed so hard at your new post. Emmett is so cute. I love the one with him and the doll. I can't pin it, but his expression in the picture just cracks me. you can totally see what he was thinking "yes, i ripped off the dolls head but what I'm confused about is am I in trouble or not?" Loved it laura...and josh was too big for a doll anyway :)Love you guys. Talk to you soon

Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

Laura that post made me laugh SO HARD! I never saw the damage after the Sammy incident. Well, for Josh's sake, I'm sorry about Sammy's death, I wasn't scared of him at all. I was a little jealous that you got to keep Sammy after Suzy so mysteriously "disappeared" though.