Monday, February 04, 2008

The month of January...

Wow, I am getting really bad at this blogging thing. It’s almost been another whole month since I’ve posted anything. For those who do read this, I apologize for not keeping up with it more, and I'll try my hardest from now on to give you some good posts.
I guess one thing that's worth blogging is that we got a new camera. Josh and I decided for Christmas this year, instead of stressing out over what to buy for each other, we’d put that money towards a nice camera. So of course, we’ve been having lots of fun with this new camera taking lots of pictures. So here is a collage of our life in the past month. Sorry, some are very random and silly but we were just so excited to try out our new camera :)

Jesseca, Lillian, and I threw a surprise birthday party for our friend Charity. Good times!
I also got a chance to visit with my little nephew a couple times this month. He's getting so big!

This past week we had a drive-in movie night at youth. The kids had to make their own cars out of cardboard and then sit in them as we watched a movie on the projector. It was a lot of fun!

Ok, here is where it get's random. It's a new camera and I know everyone of you has taken pictures of yourself before :)

The many facial expressions of my wonderful husband.

Our dog, Emmett!
Well Happy February everyone, and hopefully I won't wait till March to post again :)


Anonymous said...

i've never talken pictures of myself before......... ;) and it looks like emmet is really good at taking pictures of himself, too. you must be so happy to be the closest relative to isaac and that you get to see him so often, eh?

Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

Great post. i love the self portraits of everyone! It's so nice to have a new digital camera....just make sure you develop them and they don't sit on your computer forever(like me).

Rachel said...

Nice post, Laura! So what kind of camera did you end up getting?

Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone but you that takes so many picutres of themselves. Isaac is looking fat in those picutres. What's Sarah feeding him? Love you. Mom

Cheecha85 said...

LOVE the post... so funny. We need to get together one of these days. My life is a little hectic... Will you be at church on sunday?? Are you off monday as well??