We started out Friday going swimming with the youth group and ended off at Dairy Queen. They had stayed open late just for us so it was nice to have the whole place to ourselves. I had to take a picture of John's new hat. Great for the cold Alberta winters... I'm hoping to get one for Christmas :)
Onto Saturday...John's Birthday! We spent the day shopping in Cold lake and headed to Boston Pizza for a birthday meal.

Auntie Lois came up to celebrate the day and go shopping too.
Saturday night Brad and Sarah showed up with Hudson. They were heading to Edmonton for baby supplies (only 4 more weeks)!! So on Sunday we got the pleasure of watching Hudson :)

I'm surprised I actually got a picture of him sitting nicely. He was usually following Emmett everywhere!

aww...such good friends :)
Hope you all have a great week! Thanks for all the comments!
Thanks so much for watching our hyper active one year old. Hudson and Emmett get along so well. Thanks for letting us crash at your house too, it's always nice to get a away for a night.
lol, the "pleasure of watching hudson", or the pleasure of watching hudson?
i can't believe dairy queen stayed open for you guys..... oh man, i want dairy queen!!!
Woot woot. Goodness... John's hat is entertaining! And would be more entertaining if you were wearing it. hehe
That was such a fun day; Thanks for all of the laughs. I had an idea; are you interested in coming to the Christmas banquet at the church? You may need to drag Josh... lol. After report card time is over, we can start making some plans for a weekend in LLB!
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