This weekend our family threw a retirement party for my dad. He retired from being a radio dj and program director for 33 years. My mom bought Jason, Sarah, and I plane tickets to surprise my dad for the weekend. The evening was definitely a success and lots of fun celebrating my dad's career.
Here's a funny picture that I found of my dad while he was on a Youth Mexico Missions Trip. I thought it was pretty funny and appropriate for a retirement post :)

Our decorating for the party was influenced by the 70’s carpet that they used to have at CJIB (the radio station). The colors were red, orange, yellow and black. It looked awesome! We also had records all up on the walls and old CJIB/Kiss FM shirts hung everywhere.
Jason was the main MC for the night and was goofing around while we were decorating.

Mom and Dad Cutting the cake

We had found my dad's first audition tape and played it for everyone to hear. He sounded SO different then he does now! It was pretty funny, and my dad was quite embarrassed :)

My dad getting to smash an alarm clock because he'll never have to wake up to the annoying beeping again...lucky guy :)

Friends of our family Tony and Debbie made the traditional chocolate bar card. We usually get one for birthdays and big celebrations!

Happy Retirement Dad!
Good pictures Laura, you always get to posting before me =) It was such a fun weekend, especially without all the inlaws there eh?? Just kiddin'=)
the chocolate bar retirement card that is sitting in our living room doesn't look quite like the one in your picture - i guess because a number of the chocolate bars are already gone....thanks to your mother and me. Had a great time and appreciate all that everyone did to make it possible.
love dad
Looks like you had a good time!!
congratulations, mr weglo.... let me know if you need any help with those chocolate bars... :D
and way to keep up with the posts, laura, i'm impressed! that was just a few days ago, wasn't it?! holy smokes!
Looks like it was a fun weekend in Vernon... Woot woot.
I love checking your blogs and catching up on Weglo news and pictures!
Karen E : )
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