Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our past month...

This past month has been busy but somehow I have not managed to post any of it. Here is what our month included:

Easter was spent at our place this year and Auntie Shelley was able to come up. We had a very relaxing weekend and did a little easter egg hunt for Liam. He had gone for a walk with Auntie Shelley and returned to the house to find that the Easter bunny had made a visit. He was quite excited!

I'm pretty sure I ate most of this bunny. Oops :)

At the end of April, my parents flew into Calgary after being in Israel for over 3 months. Our family (minus Jason and Darcie) was able to meet them at the airport and we all spent the weekend in Calgary. We stayed at Rachel’s seminary in Cochrane (Thanks again Rach!) and filled our weekend with visiting and shopping and making a trip to the Calgary zoo. I forgot my camera but here are a few pictures that Sarah took.

Liam was VERY excited when we got to the entrance and couldn't wait to see all the animals.

Isaac and Liam looking at the Lions.

Family photo at the Calgary zoo

We had never been to the Calgary zoo and we were quite impressed. We would definitely like to go back someday!
The rest of the family headed home on Sunday but Josh, Liam and I stayed in Calgary for the rest of the week. I had a leadership course to do with my company, and their main office building is downtown Calgary. We got to stay in a very fancy hotel though we felt a little out of place. Let’s just say our type of hotel is usually a Western Budget but it was a nice treat since my company was paying for it.
On May 6th Josh and I celebrated our 5th year wedding anniversary. It’s crazy that it’s been 5 years already. We had just gotten back from Calgary that day so we ordered in Chinese and spent the night at home. It was just what we needed!
We also did the MS Walk with our family on May 7th for our friend James Purdy. It is our 3rd year doing the walk and it was definitely the coldest. We only managed to do the 4k instead of the 10k because Liam was getting too cold ( and me too!). Thanks again to everyone who supported our family for the walk. We raised over $700.00 and our team, "MS Ain't Purdy" raised over $30,000!

Liam getting his face painted before the walk. He looks so old here!

I am also excited to say that Liam is Potty Trained! Whoop Whoop!

Cute bowtie made by his Great Auntie Terri!


Anonymous said...

Ok, the last picture of him in his underwear wearing a bow tie will come back to haunt him!!

Unknown said...

At least if your posts are sporadic, they make up for it with awesomeness. And again I have to stipulate that Liam is strictly forbidden to age until I can see him again. Though that'll be very soon! Eeee!

Also we need to discuss the Hunger Games.

Rachel said...

Haha - the bow tie is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing out loud with the picture of Liam in his underwear and bow tie.....PRICELESS!!!! I just LOVE it
~auntie Shelley

Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

Love the pose at the end. so adorable.And he does look so big in that one goodness!! Are we going to see any belly pics on here??

Anonymous said...

your guys' kids are growing up so fast. Sounds like you had a busy but enjoyable month. Love the pictures.