Meet the Design Team

My parents came up this past weekend to help us renovate our house. Our weekend was filled with painting, ripping up floors and carpet, more painting, and some good visiting. I think we're on a first name basis with the people at Home Hardware because we made so many trips there for paint and supplies. I finally decided on my colors...I stayed pretty safe with a light sandy brown for the living room and hallway, and a green in my kitchen. The house isn't anywhere near being finished but we still got so much done! Thanks Mom and Dad for driving all the way to help us with the house!
This week our project is the floor. We're going to be buying laminate to lay down so we can start putting in our cupboards and re-building our kitchen.
This week our project is the floor. We're going to be buying laminate to lay down so we can start putting in our cupboards and re-building our kitchen.
Here's more pictures of our not yet finished house:

This is the green I chose for the kitchen. I was really happy with how it turned out

This is the green I chose for the kitchen. I was really happy with how it turned out
Here is what's left of our kitchen after Josh took out all of our cupboards. We'll definitely be doing a before and after picture for you all to see!
There is still lots to do! I can't wait to show you all the finished product!
Looks like its coming along really nice!! I cant wait to see more pisture when its all done and all, have a great day!
LOOKS GREAT. I wish i coudl've been there. I'm so excited for you guys..finally your own place!
looks like you guys are having a lot of fun renovating your new house! what a great experience, eh? sarah wasn't able to make it out there with your parents? she's saving all her muscles to help us move on saturday! lol
It's nice mom and dad were able to come up and see you guys and help with your new house. I wish I was closer and could've helped too. Looks like by the pictures you guys had some fun. The walls look really good with a fresh coat of paint and some color. I still can't believe you guys are in your own house. It must be nice being able to make changes to it so it looks the way you want it and not have to worry about landlords. It's your place and you can do what you want to it. Its weird to see the kitchen so bare with the cupboards ripped down and stuff. Looks like a bit of work to do with the laminate and new kitchen going in but it'll be fun and rewarding. I know it'll look really good when its done. The picture you emailed me of mom and dad infront of your house is a good one of them. The layout inside the house looks good. In one of the other pictures yuou emailed me, it shows one of the walls with tiles on it and what looks to be a gas fireplace in your dining room area which is cool. The inside looks good and roomy and I'm sure will look really good after you guys are done moving in and have set up all your stuff. Don't worry about laminate and Emmett scratching it with his nails. At our previous place we lived in with Brian and Rebecca, we had laminate almost throughout the whole place and with Emmett running around and sliding, he never scratched the floor. I think he'll like it there.
Good for you guys and good luck with the rest of the reno's. Love you guys.
I am sooo that you guys got to paint:( we really wanted to change it up in here but no luck. Looks great though! take care
it is looking so good, from the little pictures! its gonna be one fancy schmany place by the time i get there!
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